A Family Adventure

in the mountains, ocean, and air

productive week

June 25, 2008
Emilie Phillips

The weekend didn’t start out so productive. It took me all day to empty the dishwasher while Tyson worked on the bullitt (tandem kayak) in the basement. Then sunday we had the make-up day for the lead climbing class, which was unfortunate because saturday had been nice and sunny, and sunday only managed a couple hours of sun before pouring on us. The lesson plan for sunday was multi-pitch climbing. This meant we took a 100ft cliff and made up two belay stations in the middle of it. What with two climbers plus one instructor per team, and the short pitches, the rope and people management challenges were not small. Our team had everyone up to the second anchor when the rain rolled in. So we sent Tyson up the last “pitch” to set up a rappel on a tree up top, so that we could cleanly back off. The other team wasn’t as far up, so they ended up leaving gear in the hopes the storm would just roll through. It didn’t, so after a bit of waiting, two of them climbed back up in the rain and lightning to retrieve the gear.

Then this week, we managed to actually make progress on a bunch of things we’d had on our to-do list for a while. Tyson made some more progress rigging the bullitt. I stayed up a bit late replacing the fairing on my motorcycle from last fall. And we got both motorcycles inspected before they expired next week. If you had asked me a week ago if I thought we would have gotten any of those done, I would have said no.

Edit: oh, yeah, and I also managed to vacuum the car for the first time ever, and buy a dehumidifier so we won’t get any fuzzy bits in the basement this year. And after getting rained on, I even managed to re-water proof a bunch of my gortex jackets and pants.


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