Ok, I decided to get this one.
[edit: something’s getting garbled into ∏ The url should be http://www.kitchenaid.com/catalog/product.jsp?src=Food+Processors&cat=185&prod=607 ]
Ok, I decided to get this one.
[edit: something’s getting garbled into ∏ The url should be http://www.kitchenaid.com/catalog/product.jsp?src=Food+Processors&cat=185&prod=607 ]
I completely didn’t understand what you meant until Dad posted. There’s now a double ampersanded url posted, because I can’t get lj to not interpret the link even in a pre block.
You tried “don’t auto-format” ?
Correct Link
Live journal keeps interpreting the html code and converting &prod to π. Trying to isolate the html with the <pre> tag
I believe that the link should be
Anonymous Dad
Fittingly, there’s a pi in your URL right now for some reason.