My week seems in distinct contrast to the economic news and the couple of friends who have just had family members pass away.
Sunday I went to the effort of really cleaning up the apartment. I was getting tired of dissorganized piles of stuff. I mostly got caught up with all the physical piles. On the otherhand I acquired a new virtual pile to deal with which is scheduling vacation. I’m headed out to Seattle for
Monday evening the irregular bunch of AMC climbers actually managed to show up at the gym for a second week in a row. We’re all out of shape from slacking over the holidays, but my performance wasn’t too shaby.
Tuesday I picked up some flowers to make the apartment nice and cheery.
Thursday night the AMC had a telemark clinic at Pat’s Peak which is much closer to us than where they usually have it, so we made a point to show up. I brought my cross country skis with extra cable bindings since that’s what I’ll be taking on Saturday’s trip and I wanted to make sure I could still telemark on them. Tyson also ended up on his cross country skis and leather boots because Bill wanted to try out modern plastic boots and shaped skis. I did quite well on my old fashioned gear. In fact, I felt way more in control than I do on modern gear. Bill didn’t do very well on the modern gear either. That made me feel a lot better about my frustration with it. Tyson had no problems adjusting to it, but then again, he hadn’t been on cross country skis for that long. A lot of people seem to take a year or so to successfully transition from leather boots and straight skis to plastic boots and shaped skis. So now I feel better that it isn’t that I am hopeless at tele-ing, but rather that I just need to get used to different equipment.
Oh, and did I mention there was powder on the slopes rather than NE ice?
I’ve never experienced powder…
Not 100% accurate: I experienced powder a few weeks ago, cross-country skiing.