A Family Adventure

in the mountains, ocean, and air

Alton Bay

April 1, 2014
Emilie Phillips

There is a seaplane base at Alton Bay, one of the bays on lake Winnipesaukee. In the winter time it freezes over and they plow it as an ice runway. Normally it is only open for a few weeks. And with winter storms we have found it hard to get there.

This winter I went three times. The second time, Tyson and I invited some non-pilot friends and we set up his new GoPros to record the trip. So the main point of this post is to say that I stayed up way too late Sunday evening and made a movie. It came out pretty well if I do say so myself.

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Click for video https://vimeo.com/90504187?portrait=0

Lunch at Alton Bay, NH from j3adventures on Vimeo.

My third trip up was Saturday which turned out to be the last day of the season. I received a certificate for landing the last day the runway was open. There were some concerns about whether the runway would have too much pooled water for my little tires. I circled the airport and let a few other people land first. We determined the middle of the runway was fine.

Tyson did not make it because his airplane would not start. So this time they are thinking the magnetos have poor impulse coupling. This endless project to get the Bearhawk to start is annoying.

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