A Family Adventure

in the mountains, ocean, and air

Hangar framing

September 30, 2019
Emilie Phillips

By end of September the external and internal walls were up and the trusses had arrived. See the full build story for earlier and later stages.

Lifting the wall

Ike and Warren built the walls on the ground and then lifted them up with a forklift.

Floor decking above the shop

While they waited for the trusses to be delivered, they built the cupola and framed in the shop. We spend a bit of time maintaining our home built airplanes, so one of the features we really wanted in the hangar is a dedicated, heated, shop. It will be 30 feet long and 12 feet wide. That still leaves enough space in the rest of the hangar to fit three planes. Above the shop, we will have a storage area.

Warren building the cupola

The cupola is partly for decoration and partly functional. We will use it to vent heat from the hangar in the summer.

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