No great adventures to report from this past week.
Saturday, Tyson and Isaac flew to Keene for a Bearhawk fly-in. A couple dozen people came. Five-ish people were building Bearhawks. Many of the others were from the local EAA chapter. Tyson was the only one who brought a Bearhawk.
Sunday, Tyson and Emilie flew down to Sterling to see about joining the Greater Boston Soaring Club. They have a wait list of around 30 people who signed up to learn soaring during covid. They restarted training operations over the last couple of weekends, so who knows how long until they get through the wait list. We might be able to jump the line by first becoming tow pilots. But even then it sounds like they have lots of people who want to tow pilots. Everyone is trying something new after this forced pause in life. We ran into the pilot (Steve?) who had given Isaac a glider ride a few years back. He was curious if Isaac had enjoyed the ride or remembered it. Isaac says he enjoyed it, but can’t remember many details. I asked around to see what it is like to be a “regular” at the club. It seems the two types of regulars are those who become instructors, and those who own high performance sail planes and do friendly competitions. We headed out at lunch time just as the high performance crew decided there was enough lift to launch. For the fun of it, Tyson and I took off in formation — me in front in the RV and Tyson behind in the Bearhawk.
Monday after work we cooled off at our local lake. We ran into one other sea kayaker. He said he is active in the AMC. I am not sure if he is associated with the AMC bi-weekly practice sessions at Potanipo. I have been tempted to sign up for those sessions, but it says adults only. Tyson and I worked on our flexibility and rolling. Isaac deposited his kayak onshore and spent the evening swimming.
P.S. Saturday I was off vacation house hunting and put in an offer on a house.
Photos from Flying
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