A Family Adventure

in the mountains, ocean, and air

There’s this trail on my map – explorations that went off track

The Saga of Hancock Notch – the original ski trip that started with an email “There’s this trail on my map”, and ended at 2AM after much bushwhacking.

Indian Creek and Grays Peak – An attempt to climb a mountain in Idaho based on a trace on open street maps. The trail wasn’t there, and the river was impassible.

Skiing Castle Ravine – we went to some extreme measures during COVID to find remote destinations. This one turned into carrying our skis on a hike.

Upton Forest Trail bushwack – another trail that wasn’t

Ouch that hurt – accidents and incidents

10th Mountain – Day 2 ascent to Seipel hut – what should have been a modest 6 mile ski almost turned into a calamity due to altitude sickness and hypothermia.

Oakes Gulf with Margaret – a wonderful day skiing Mount Washington that resulted in a permanent knee injury.

Skiing Hillman’s Highway – another skiing knee injury that required an evac

Gulf of Slides Ski Trip – and another one

The day Tyson broke and bought his Anas Acuta kayak. Needs editing.

Gear failures

Stonington Lobster – we forgot a key piece of Isaac’s trailer bike, but we figured out a way to make it work

Getting the Bearhawk Out of the Hayfield – our airplane had a gear failure at an off airport field


The drive home from the AMC cross country clinic – Emilie gets stuck on icy roads