The week we returned from skiing in Colorado, it rained, turned warm, and rained more. The pathetic New Hampshire winter was over. Everything below 2,000′ was brown. Rather than desperately scraping my skis on remnants of brown snow, I contented myself with having ended the season with the great skiing in Colorado. And then, winter […]
For a rainy day, Tyson’s AMC family trip to the Sherburne went really well. It rained on the drive up, rained in the parking lot when we got ready, and rained in the parking lot as we packed up. In between, it was sunny with fast moving gray clouds hanging on the summit. Tyson succeeded […]
We led an AMC ski trip to the Bill Hill glades near Gorham. It was supposed to be a family trip, but no other families signed up. Instead we had two adults who were looking for an easier trip. The weather cooperated so we were able to fly up to the Gorham airfield. The rain […]
The ski committee once again got an excellent instructor to come teach us Telemark skiing at Loon. This time we had Keith Rodney as our instructor, and we had a few Boston chapter ski leaders join us. We started the day by demonstrating that backcountry skiers don’t know how to ride lifts — we blocked […]
This trip was almost cancelled due to uncertain forecasts and conditions. I was concerned that the storm would create hazardous, unstable snow conditions at high elevations and rain would melt out the snow at lower elevations. We took a chance and went anyway. “you don’t know if you don’t go.” Four brave souls joined Brian […]
I put a question mark in the title because this weekend’s ski trip to the Abenaki ski area in Wolfeboro NH was supposed to be an AMC trip. However, no one signed up. In discussing this issue, while skiing Grigory pointed out that the family trips listed do not include any volunteer led trips. I […]
We claimed last tracks on Crescent Ridge for the season. When we first planned the last NH AMC family trip for end of March at Crescent Ridge, that sounded like a reasonable idea. After all, it worked in 2018 and 2019. Well, the snow this year just hasn’t been up to snuff. We had three […]
[draft written in 2017] For Mt. Washington spring skiing, Hillman’s Highway is a classic. A classic that I had not yet checked off my bucket list, but this looked to be the perfect day to do so. The sun had warmed things early, the sky was blue. Just the conditions that my spring AMC trips […]