I led an AMC trip up to Zealand Notch. I always like the views up there, a reward for the 7.5 mile ski in. Only one participant signed up. I think because it had poured rain mid-week and everyone expected the snow to be dreadful. It wasn’t. There was a firm layer topped with one […]
This weekend, in an act of adventure, we went backpacking. My parents came along to help carry the load. We drove up Zealand road (normally we ski it). Hiked up through Zealand notch, over to Thoreau Falls, and back down the other side until we were far enough into the Pemigewasset wilderness to make the […]
I went on my second AMC ski trip of this very brown winter. Actually, I co-led it, but it ended up being 4 leader types and one regular. All the unknowns bailed on account of the snow report. Due to said snow report, everyone was on rock skis, which turned out to mean that everyone […]
My parents came up to visit. They drove up on Mom’s birthday. Despite it being a 12 hour drive, they got to my house before I left work, so Mom started volunteering to make dinner and go grocery shopping for me. I couldn’t let that pass since it was her birthday, so I came home, […]
The adventures for this weekend started Thursday evening with lots of cooking. The sea kayaker magazine has been doing a bunch of articles on nutrition recently, so, using those as a guide, I put together dinners for that night, Friday, and Saturday. For Thursday, I figured something with protein would be good, so I did […]